Web ordering for opticians: WebOrder
WebOrder makes it easy and fast to enter orders, save draft orders, view, edit and copy orders.

- easy to use
- easy and quick selection of glasses using filters (focus type, refractive index, material, etc.)
- simple and quick selection of additional treatments – only the available treatments for a specific glass are shown
- calculation of thicknesses and weights
- connection to the tracer for eyepiece shape input – optimization of diameters and thicknesses and remote grinding
- selection of one of the standard shapes allows quick order entry with diameter optimization
- many frames in the system, allowing glasses to be supplied ground to shape – no need to ship sports glasses
- view all orders, including those sent by email and phone
- the possibility to save a draft order for later editing
- data is entered into our system without the possibility of errors, in the shortest possible time
- support, even remotely via TeamViewer
- no data to worry about – we take care of it at Alcom
Getting started:
- no installation required, just log on to one or more computers
- access from any computer in or outside the optics
- a basic computer is sufficient for fast and smooth work
- can also be used with a mobile phone or tablet
Example of thickness and weight calculation

How to get started?
Get a username and password: send the name of your establishment and your tax number to order@alcom.info
Access the website weborder.alcom.info (first select your language)
- order@alcom.info
- +386 40 663 660
- WhattsApp +386 40 663 660
- +386 4 2018 233
- TeamViewer