Alcom is a European company producing high-quality corrective lenses, safety and sport prescription spectacles and supplier of optical store equipment. We are an independent, family owned company with 30 years of experience in ophthalmology.

Our values

Seen as an excellent company by our clients, we are determined to offer you only the best, as quickly as possible and at affordable prices.

Near you

Our lenses are made according to your instructions, and your personal needs.


We are a provider of lenses with our own development and production – without agents and representatives – so we can guarantee good prices for excellent products and services.


We are aware of the constantly changing business environment. New technologies are full of new concepts, terms and parameters that can be difficult to understand. Our team of experts aims to provide clear and understandable technical information.


Our main mission is to offer quality products and services for best possible prices. Each partner has a unique business strategy, which is why Alcom works as a provider of transparent solutions that enable customization to each customer, using different models and different levels of lens personalisation.


We know that only the best brands, which build on quality, expertise and reliability, survive on the market. This task is entrusted to motivated and trained experts who continuously expand their knowledge and follow the latest developments in the field.

New technologies

In Alcom we constantly follow and introduce new technologies of corrective lenses production. We will send you regular updates about that – you are invited to subscribe to Alcom’s newsletter by sending an email to Of course, you can at any point unsubscribe from the mailing list.


Main activities

The company deals with:
– development and manufacturing of corrective (dioptric) lenses,
– applying colour, hard coating and anti-reflective coating to lenses,
– mounting lenses into spectacle frames,
– sales and servicing of ophthalmologic instruments and edging equipment by Huvitz,
– sales of Cyclops measuring instruments,
– development and manufacturing of optical lenses for special purposes.

We deal in wholesales only, so please order our lenses at your optician.

Company headquarters, production, delivery:
Partizanska cesta 26
SI 4000 Kranj

N 46.250880° (N 46°15’3.17″)
E 14.366472° (E 14°21’59.30″)

Tel. SI: +386 4 20 18 233
Tel. AT: +43 720 776 007
Tel. DE: +49 89 614 29 690
Fax: +386 4 20 11 580

Mob: +386 40 663 660
WhatApp: +386 40 663 660
tehnical assistance: +386 4 20 18 240
e-mail for ordering:
e-mail for general info:
skype: alcom_order

VAT number: SI60022396
Registered under id.: 3938263000

SI56 0400 1004 9586 486

Kärntner Sparkasse AG
Sparkassenplatz 1
9170 Ferlach
IBAN: AT90 2070 6045 0039 1661


Opening hours:
Monday – Friday: 07:00 – 18:00

Saturday and Sunday: closed

Alcom is closed on following days in 2025: 1.1., 2.1., 21.4., 1.5., 2.5., 25.6., 31.10., 25.12., 26.12.

Company location

Click for larger map

Company facts


1. Reliability
    • 300+ partners in Slovenia and abroad
    • individual control of each free-form lens with DLM
    • 90% of machines were bought less than 36 months ago
    • double production capacity for more reliability
    • over 540.000€ of reserve funds
    • ISO 9001 certificate
    • <0.1% complaints
2. Experience
    • over 20 years of business experience
    • cooperation with suppliers’ research and development departments
    • we developed our own technologies and machines
    • in 2013 we produced our 4.000.000th lens
    • we developed Sport lenses for wrap-around sport glasses and sunglasses
3. Promptness
  • 2-shift manufacturing in order to meet short deadlines
  • 3-12 hour delivery of lenses in stock
  • 24-72 hour delivery for individual lenses with additional treatment
4. Modern technology 
    • partner in a new European research project Optician2020
    • other partners include various institutes, universities and two lens manufacturers
    • the project involves the development and manufacturing of individual progressive and unifocal lenses
    • Alcom will deliver individual lenses to partners in northern Europe
    • since 2009 we have been developing nanoHDVision technology
    • in calculation and lens manufacturing we use infinite number of points for better optical quality
    • over 1.200.000 € invested in new technologies
5. Environment
  • environmentally responsible waste management
  • recycling plastics, paper and chemicals
  • in production we use bio-degradable detergents for lens cleaning
  • energy recovery, water capture
6. New
    • we have introduced nanoHDVision for better optical quality
    • automatic progressive design takes into account information about glasses and ensures better vision
    • fitting height 14 – 20 mm allows for more accurate calculation
    • iSV – individual surface calculation and lens manufacturing even for unifocal lenses
    • the latest generation of photo sensitive lenses Transitions Signature VIII added to our catalogue
    • we became a representative and an official service center of Huvitz diagnostic and refraction equipment and edging machinery
    • we are introducing a new production information system called LensWare
    • we have been ISO 9001:2008 certified